Dharma House Melbourne

Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje
" The mind emanation of Jikmé Lingpa."
He was said to be the son of the protector
Nyenchen Tanglha.
His life featured many miraculous events, especially during his childhood,
He famously introduced Patrul Rinpoche to the nature of mind while beating him
and dragging him by the hair.

Auspicious Practice days
The Lunar Cycle and Buddhist practice days
The western calendar is based on the Sun cycle and the Gregorian system
The Tibetan calendar is based on the Moon cycle and its phases. Lunar calendars have a 29.5 day cycle, which can create complexity when trying to identify corresponding days in the Gregorian system. The Tibetan calendar uses skip days (tsi chad-pa) and doubled days (tsi lhag-pa) to reconcile the differences between the solar and lunar cycles.
In the Buddhist systems, the full moon must fall on the 15th day of any month, and the new moon on the 30th.
In Tibet an additional Kalachakra calendar is used for Buddhist rituals, This calendar' is linked to the introduction of Buddhism in Mongolia, and its New Year falls at the start of the third lunar month. Therefore if Losar might be in February, the Kalachakra New Year could be in April. The Kalachakra calendar begins in reference to the sun (when the sun is in Aries, which makes the date closer to the Spring equinox).
The lunar month and Auspicious Practice Days
New Moon (the 30th day): Sakyamuni Buddha Day
- Protection of life is especially recommended.
- The effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied 100 time
The 8th day: Medicine Buddha & Tara Day:
- The effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied 100 times.
The 10th day: Guru Rinpoche Day
- Suitable for Tsok offerings and celebration.
- The practice of awareness training is especially recommended.
- The effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied 100 times.
Full Moon (the 15th day)- Amitabha Buddha Day
- Protection of life is especially recommended.
- The effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied 100 times.
The 25th day: Dakini Day
- Tsok offering and celebration.
- To be observed in the same way as the Guru Rinpoche Day.
- The effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied 100 times.
The 29th day: Dharmapala Day (Dharma Protectors)
- Purification and fasting. Confession of the transgression of vows and other similar practices.
- Tsok offerings and celebration. The effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied 100 times.